Readings in Information Retrieval
Edited by
Karen Sparck Jones
University of Cambridge
Peter Willett
University of Sheffield
Karen Sparck Jones
University of Cambridge
Peter Willett
University of Sheffield
Chapter 1 Overall Introduction
Chapter 2 History
- The Thesaurus Approach to Information Retrieval
- T. Joyce and R. M. Needham
- The Automatic Derivation of Information Retrieval Encodements from Machine-Readable Texts
- H. P. Luhn
- Indexing and Abstracting by Association. Part I
- L. B. Doyle
- On Relevance, Probabilistic Indexing and Information Retrieval
- M. E. Maron and J. L. Kuhns
- The Cranfield Tests on Index Language Devices
- C. W. Cleverdon
- Computer Evaluation of Indexing and Text Processing, JACM 15(1) 1968
- Gerard Salton and M. E. Lesk
Chapter 3 Key Concepts
- The Concept of "Aboutness" in Subject Indexing
- W. J. Hutchins
- The Testing of Index Language Devices
- C. W. Cleverdon and J. Mills
- Thesaurus
- D. J. Foskett
- Using Problem Structures for Driving Human-Computer Dialogues
- P. J. Daniels, H. M. Brooks, and N. J. Belkin
- Relevance: A Review of and a Framework for Thinking
- T. Saracevic
Chapter 4 Evaluation
- A Study of Information Seeking and Retreving. I. Background and Methodology
- T. Saracevic, P. Kantor, A. Y. Chamis, and D. Trivison
- On Selecting a Measure of Retrieval Effectiveness. Part I
- W. S. Cooper
- The Pragmatics of Information Retrieval Experimentation, Revisited
- J. Tague-Sutcliffe
- Presenting Results of Experimental Retrieval Comparisons
- E. M. Keen
- MEDLARS: Report on the Evaluation of Its Operating Efficiency
- F. W. Lancaster
- The TREC Conferences
- D. K. Harman
Chapter 5 Models
- Getting Beyond Boole
- W. S. Cooper
- A Non-Classical Logic for Information Retrieval
- C. J. van Rijsbergen
- A Vector Space Model for Automatic Indexing, CACM 18(11) 1975
- Gerard Salton, A. Wong, and C. S. Yang
- The Probability Ranking Principle in IR
- S. E. Robertson
- Inference Networks for Document Retrieval
- H. Turtle and W. B. Croft
- ASK for Information Retrieval. Part I. Background and Theory
- N. J. Belkin, R. N. Oddy, and H. M. Brooks
Chapter 6 Techniques
- An Algorithm for Suffix Stripping
- M. F. Porter
- Robust Text Processing in Automated Information Retrieval
- T. Strzalkowski
- Term-Weighting Approaches in Automatic Text Retrieval, Retrieval., Information Processing and Management 24(5) 1988
- Gerard Salton and C. Buckley
- Search Term Relevance Weighting Given Little Relevance Information
- K. Sparck Jones
- Using Probabilistic Models of Document Retrieval without Relevance Information
- W. B. Croft and D. J. Harper
- Some Simple Effective Approximations to the 2-Poisson Model for Probabilistic Weighted Retrieval
- S. E. Robertson and S. Walker
- Improving Retrieval Performance by Relevance Feedback, JASIS 41(4) 1990
- Gerard Salton and C. Buckley
- Using Interdocument Similarity Information in Document Retrieval Systems
- A. Griffiths, H. C. Luckhurst, and P. Willett
Chapter 7 Systems
- The SMART and SIRE Experimental Retrieval Systems
- Gerard Salton and M. J. McGill
- Architecture of an Expert System for Composite Document Analysis, representation, and Retrieval
- E. A. Fox and R. K. France
- User-Friendly Systems Instead of User-Friendly Front-Ends
- D. K. Harman
- The Okapi Online Catalogue Research Projects
- S. Walker
- TREC and TIPSTER Experiments with INQUERY
- J. P. Callan, W. B. Croft, and J. S. Broglio
- RUBRIC: A System for Rule-Based Information Retrieval
- B. P. McCune, R. M. Tong, and J. Dean
- TARGET and FREESTYLE: DIALOG and Mead Join the Relevance Ranks
- C. Tenopir and P. Cahn
Chapter 8 Extensions
- A Hypertext Environment for Interacting with Large Databases
- M. Agosti, G. Gradenigo, and P. G. Marchetti
- Automatic Analysis, theme Generation, and Summarization of Machine-Readable Texts
- Gerard Salton, J. Allan, C. Buckley, and A. Singhal
- Querying Across Languages: A Dictionary-Based Approach to Multilingual Information Retrieval
- D. A. Hull and G. Grefenstette
- Experiments in Spoken Document Retrieval
- K. Sparck Jones, G. J. F. Jones, J. T. Foote, and S. J. Young
- Video Parsing, Retrieval and Browsing: An Integrated and Content-Based Solution
- H. J. Zhang, C. Y. low, S. W. Smoliar, and J. H. Wu
- The Automatic Indexing System AIR/PHYS - From Research to Application
- P. Biebricher, N. Fuhr, G. Lustig, M. Schwantner, and G. Knorz
- A News Story Categorization System
- P. J. Hayes, L. E. Knecht, and M. J. Cellio
- Conceptual Information Extraction and Retrieval from Natural Language Input
- L. F. Rau
- A Production Rule System for Message Summarization
- E. Marsh, H. Hamburger, and R. Grishman
- The Application of Linguistic Processing to Automatic Abstract Generation
- F. C. Johnson, C. D. Paice, W. J. Black, and A. P. Neal
Chapter 9 Envoi
- Historical Note: Information Retrieval and the Future of an Illusion
- D. R. Swanson
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